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Key Trends in Emerging Market Hedge Funds (September 2021)

September 2021 | Eurekahedge

Emerging market hedge funds were up 4.32% over the first seven months of 2021, trailing behind their developed market counterparts in North America, Japan and Europe which returned 10.99%, 6.71% and 6.68% respectively. The economic recovery in the emerging markets has lagged their developed market counterparts due to delays in vaccine rollouts that had necessitated the imposition of harsh lockdown measures to prevent hospital systems from getting overwhelmed.

Emerging Market Hedge Funds Infographic November 2020

November 2020 | Eurekahedge

Eurekahedge’s emerging market hedge funds infographic sums up the industry as at November 2020. Find out more about global hedge funds assets under management (AUM), asset flows into strategic and regional mandates, strategy returns, fund size and geographic AUM, head office locations and the best and worst performances of the year.

2019 Key Trends in Emerging Market Hedge Funds

November 2019 | Eurekahedge

Emerging market mandated hedge funds were up 6.33% year-to-date, recovering the losses they suffered in 2018 on the back of the accommodative stance of the Fed and the market optimism towards the US-China trade negotiations, which boosted the equity markets of the developing economies over the year. During the first quarter of the year, the Federal Reserve completely shifted their stance from restrictive to accommodative monetary policy following the multiple equity markets sell-offs in 2018 and strong criticisms from the US President. Meanwhile, the market showed optimism towards the US-China trade talks as the two economic powerhouses agreed to resume the negotiations after the US President decided to postpone additional tariffs on the remaining US$300 billion of Chinese imported goods in August. The Shenzhen and Shanghai Composites were up 25.82% and 16.49% as of September year-to-date respectively. Over in India, the region is facing challenges surrounding liquidity risk owing to t

2018 Overview: Key Trends in Emerging Market Hedge Funds

November 2018 | Eurekahedge

Emerging market mandated hedge funds were down 3.96% year-to-date, as they struggled to mitigate the losses suffered from underlying equity markets, as represented by the 5.27% loss posted by the MSCI Emerging Market IMI Index (Local). The Eurekahedge Emerging Markets Hedge Fund Index was down in seven months throughout the first three quarters of 2018, marking it as one of the worst years for emerging market hedge funds since 2011.

2017 Key Trends in Emerging Market Hedge Funds

August 2017 | Eurekahedge

Emerging market mandated hedge funds have delivered exceptionally strong gains this year – the asset weighted US dollar denominated Mizuho-Eurekahedge Emerging Market Index is up 7.59% for the year, with underlying equity long/short hedge funds for the index gaining 9.75% in the seven months through July. Hedge funds running dedicated exposure to India, China and Latin America have all posted double-digit gains year-to-date and have been the key contributors to the stellar returns posted by emerging market mandated hedge funds.

Emerging Market Debt – A Compelling Alternative Source of Yield and Diversification

May 2014 | Eurekahedge

Technical factors are broadly supportive. Sovereign issuance is relatively low net of coupons and amortisations and, in terms of valuations, EM debt looks reasonably attractive versus developed market corporate bonds following the yield spread widening that occurred over the summer.

Frontier Markets Shine Bright Within The Emerging Market Universe

January 2014 | Oliver Bell, T.Rowe Price

Emerging markets have performed poorly in recent years with moderating economic growth and disappointing earnings. However, frontier markets have outperformed as investors have recognised that robust domestic economic growth can be translated into strong earnings growth at a company level. Frontier markets have outperformed global and regional emerging markets in three of the last five years. African and Middle Eastern markets have been the main drivers of this outperformance, while Asian and Latin American frontier markets have lagged. In fact, in economic terms Africa today is similar to the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America fifteen years ago (Figure 1).

Putting Governance at the Heart of Emerging Market Investing

September 2013 | Matthew Vaight, M&G Investments

Emerging markets are attracting greater attention from investors as they become a more important part of the global economy. However, optimism about the opportunities that economic development could bring is usually accompanied by concerns about the corporate governance standards of companies in those markets.

Emerging Markets and the World of Tomorrow

October 2011 | Karthik Sankaran, Covepoint Capital Advisors LLC

The last few years have seen an upsurge of interest in the theme of the so-called “emerging markets” (EM). For most of the past decade, sentiment towards EM has been generally bullish, but there are moments when perceived excessive euphoria leads to talk of “bubbles” and the like. This happened to some degree ahead of the first Fed rate hike in 2004, and it happened much more dramatically in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008.

ESG Progress in Emerging Markets

April 2010 | Andrew Ness, SWIP

Sustainability in a corporate context is a company’s ability to operate in a manner that does not damage the environment or deplete a resource. Clearly, the concept represents a responsible approach to investing. But sustainability is also a business approach that creates long-term shareholder value. It does this by capturing opportunities and managing risks that derive from the rapidly evolving global economy: as global economic growth shifts from the developed world to the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), these economies are experiencing rapid population growth, mass urbanisation and industrialisation with all their potential dangers for the environment.

Cross-Border M&A Ready for Takeoff with Emerging Markets as Main Target

March 2010 | Gordon Platt, Global Finance

The stars are aligned for a substantial rise in cross-border mergers and acquisitions this year as the global economy recovers and financing becomes more readily available. There is considerable pent-up demand as a result of deals postponed in the past 12 months when companies focused on making sure they had adequate cash on hand to survive the crisis, analysts say. CEOs are hunting for foreign acquisitions that make strategic sense and that are likely to boost their companies’ earnings as economies around the world rebound. The best prospects for economic growth are in the emerging markets.

Under Control

February 2010 | Angela Spiteri Paris, Funds Europe

Emerging economies now capture a larger share of global private equity activity than ever before and the markets are quickly maturing as investors take more controlling stakes in companies. Statistics from the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA) showed that the emerging markets share of global private equity fundraising has risen from 5% in 2004 to 20% as of June 2009 and from 7% to 24% of global private equity investment totals during the same period.

When the Money Runs Out

January 2010 | Vicky Meek, emerging Private Equity

We now have confirmation of what everyone has been living through: fundraising and investment levels in emerging markets fell by over 50% in the first half of 2009 compared to the same period in 2008, according to the latest figures put out by the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA). A total of 84 emerging market funds raised US$16 billion in the first six months of 2009, way down on the US$36 billion garnered in H1 2008. Investment figures tell the same story.

The Integration of ESG in Emerging Markets

December 2009 | Andrew Ness, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership

Sustainability is a responsible approach to investing, as well as a business approach, that creates long-term shareholder value by capturing opportunities and managing risks that derive from the rapidly evolving global economy. Such changes include the shift of economic growth to the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), a fast-expanding global population, mass urbanisation and the industrialisation of the developing world.

The Local Edge: How LatAm Funds Can Compete

October 2009 | Eurekahedge

In the real estate world, the mantra is “position, position, position”. The same may be said for hedge funds based in Latin America. Proximity to the real action gives local managers an advantage over funds managed at a distance. We would not have said this in the mid-1990s when Latin America was an intense focus of investor interest in major financial centres and there was a proliferation of emerging markets mutual funds. It was perceived that the best perspective was achieved from a distance (on high?) looking towards the region from the northern hemisphere where one could observe matters without all the baggage that local investors and naysayers brought to the process.

Emerging Markets – To Hedge or Not to Hedge

October 2006 | Peter Douglas, GFIA Pte Ltd

Investing in emerging market hedge funds is a completely different activity from investing in emerging markets. Investing, unhedged, in emerging market securities, is a long-term bet on the growth of the corporate sector of the developing world, and, at points in the cycle, a shorter-term bet on the risk appetite of global investors. The following figure shows the roller-coaster ride that a directional emerging market investor would have experienced over the past ten years.

Eastern Promise

July 2006 | John Butcher, HFMWeek

Judging by the number of conferences and other events focused on them in recent months, the emerging market hot spots for hedge fund investment are China and India. They seem like logical plays - two enormous countries, each with more than a billion people, rapid growth and a fast-rising upper and middle class. There should be, and indeed are, a wealth of opportunities to be taken in these growing economic powers - both in terms of investment opportunities and potential new hedge fund investors. But there are also a number of barriers to jump and risks to assess before doing so. This has become particularly evident this week, as the Indian exchange fell 4.2% on Monday amid a worldwide downturn.

Interview with Luciano Correa, Director of Orbix Global Partners

October 2005 | Eurekahedge

Orbix Global Partners are pioneers in emerging markets trend-following. Eurekahedge caught up with Luciano Correa to talk about their recentky-launched offshore Emerging Trends fund.

Emerging Market Debt: A New, and Improving, Asset Class

June 2004 | Paul Luke, Convivo Capital Management Limited

Emerging market debt has only become a recognised asset class for fund managers in the last 15 years. Although emerging markets (formerly called developing countries) have always relied on foreign debt to develop, it has traditionally taken the form of trade finance or syndicated bank loans. Ironically, the current market, which we estimate to be around US$1,500 billion in size, was born out of the huge defaults on sovereign bank debt during the 1980s. Mexico, Brazil, Poland and Argentina, amongst others, were obliged to default on their sovereign bank loans, which were floating rate at a time when the US Fed was hiking interest rates to historically unprecedented levels.