Advertise with Eurekahedge

Looking to reach out investors and hedge fund managers at a local or global level? Advertise your products and services with several advertising plans.

Did you know?

With an average of 4,022* visitors per day
the Eurekahedge website attracts 47,174* daily page views.
Our 133,488* visitors each month spend 15:32 minutes each* across 11.72 pages per visit*.

*Q1 – Q4 2020

Access to an Unparalleled Audience

As you are no doubt aware, Eurekahedge is the world's largest alternative investment funds research house covering over 36,565 funds, specialising in hedge fund databases, and operates offices in Singapore, New York and Cebu. The breadth of Eurekahedge's expertise and exposure, brings with it an unparalleled audience, making a unique platform for advertisers to leverage their products and services on.

Eurekahedge’s Subscribers
Eurekahedge’s accredited investors and premium subscribers include, but are not limited to the following: treasuries, trusts and endowments, family offices and multi-family offices, pension funds, institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds, private banks, portfolio managers, financial advisors, hedge funds, funds of funds, prime brokers, administrators, market research firms, Islamic funds.

Who are our subscribers?

What do they think of Eurekahedge?

"Eurekahedge certainly is regarded as one of our most valuable information resources, and we wouldn’t want to miss it for a single day".

Violeta Madjarova
VTM Fund Management AG


"I’m very satisfied with your data/coverage/services – best among others."

Kei Yuguchi, Director
Head of Asia Pacific Strategies
Lyxor Asset Management Japan

Who lists their fund with Eurekahedge?

Advertising Options

Eurekahedge's basic advertising plans fulfill advertising objectives and are suited for raising ROI. Each advertising option also comes with a report that measures the efficiency of the campaign.

    ad placement in email campaigns to reach investors and hedge funds

  1. In-line banners are advertising located in the in-house emails. Three emails a month are sent to subscribers, reaching an audience of approximately 105,000 members. Your banner can appear in one, two or three emails and will be seen by subscribers only.  This option is perfect for established companies already known by hedge funds managers and investors.

  2. Advert in The Eurekahedge Report offers space to advertisers looking to reach our exclusive members.

    Did you know?
    The Eurekahedge Report also includes the Eurekahedge Region/Strategy Index Return Matrix,  which contains the latest data from Eurekahedge's global network of hedge funds. Our publication is a highly regarded subscription only product and our subscribers rely on our data as a way of making informed decisions. By advertising in  The Eurekahedge Report, your company's message will reach an elite group of decision-making professionals in over 50 countries.

    The Eurekahedge Report is released digitally each month and printed each quarter to be sent to all subscribers. Eurekahedge also sends printed copies of the report to conferences worldwide (e.g. SALT Asia, Hedgeopolis, GAIM, Network, Battle of the Quant, BHA Select Hedge Fund, ALFI Conferences, Hedge Fund World ).

    The Eurekahedge 2020 Q1 Editorial Schedule

    Month Publishing Date Direct Article Submission Ads Deadline Key Trends Coverage
    Jan 2020 21 Jan 2020 10 Jan 2020 13 Jan 2020 Key Trends in Asian Hedge Funds
    Feb 2020 18 Feb 2020 7 Feb 2020 11 Feb 2020 Key Trends in Islamic Funds
    Mar 2020 17 Mar 2020 6 Mar 2020 10 Mar 2020 Key Trends in Global Hedge Funds
  3. Web page banner is a unique option to advertise your service and product with a banner appearing on either the News or Indices page on the Eurekahedge website.

    This option can be customised to suit your needs.

Contact Us Today

All advertising plans come with a report sent at the end of each month measuring the efficiency of your campaign. Email us at or call on +65 6212 0925 for our rate card or to find out how we can tailor-make an advertising package to suit the needs of your business.